Edgegap SDK for Bevy Game Engine
The following is a slightly modified repost, with permission, from RJ's original post.
Bevygap helps Bevy Engine’s game developers autoscale their multiplayer Bevy game servers with Edgegap, using the Lightyear spaceships example! Both the example and SDK were developed by RJ.
The Bevy Engine “spaceship” example is available to download on GitHub (here) and repackaged from the lightyear repo with a few key changes.
This example provides how to auto-deploy servers to multiple locations on demand using Edgegap’s game server hosting and orchestration platform.
The full blog, which breaks down how RJ developed the SDK alongside insights in how to use is, is available on RJ’s website.
Written by
the Edgegap team
Sources and/or content collaboration with
RJ (Metabrew.com)