Discover Edgegap's compatibility with major game engines and netcodes, alongside container registry, log storage, and more.
Game Engines - Plugins & Game Samples
Unity Engine - Plugin
Directly from the Unity editor, get your game server containerized & your multiplayer online in minutes
Unreal Engine - Plugin
Use our game sample to learn how to containerize your game server and deploy through our Cocos game engine plugin.
Godot Game Engine
Godot Game Engine currently has no dedicated sample or plugin, but Godot works with Edgegap through Docker integration process.
Netcodes - Plugins & Game Samples
Authoritative Servers
Mirror Networking
Fish Networking
Using Fish-Net netcode, get your game server containerized & online directly from the Unity Editor!
Unity's Netcode for Game Objects
Using the 2DSpaceShooter sample project, create a dedicated server on Edgegap for a Unity project.
Through the officially endorsed Asteroid Sample sample project, create a dedicated server on Edgegap.
Photon Fusion Bolt
How to set up your project for dedicated servers when using Photon Fusion Bolt in this step-by-step guide.
Built specifically for MMOs, ProudNet used by some of the biggest games coming from Korea and Japan.
Coming Soon
Dark Rift 2
The open source netcode for Unity designed to be as fast, efficient and as powerful as you could ever need.
Coming Soon
Netcodes - Game Samples
Mirror Networking
Fish Networking
Using Fish-Net netcode, get your game server containerized & online directly from the Unity Editor!
Unity's Netcode for Game Objects
Using the 2DSpaceShooter sample project, create a dedicated server on Edgegap for a Unity project.
Container Registry
Docker Hub
Store your container images to be accessible when deploying your game servers using Docker.
Using GitLab to store your game servers as to deploy them with Edgegap's orchestration.

Leverage Google Cloud for Games to store your container image when using Edgegap's platform.
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Store your container images to be accessible when deploying your game servers using AWS.
Automatic Log Storage
Amazon Web Services
Endpoint Storage allows you to register an S3 Bucket on Edgegap. This allows you to store some data from your deployment like the container's log.
Akamai Connected Cloud (Linode)
You can register an S3 bucket on Edgegap by using Endpoint Storage. This lets you store logs from your container and other deployment-related data.