Automated, Self-Optimizing
Global Server Management
Traditional fleets deploy and manage game servers based on specific machine requirements which scales up when the capacity of existing machine reaches a certain threshold.
This results in wasted server capacity, as traditional fleets must preemptively deploy servers with a large footprint to accommodate changing player demand.
Smart Fleets’ just-in-time, on-demand, optimized deployment lowers infrastructure costs by scaling in smaller increments.
Scale with Player Demand, Just-in-Time
Smart Fleets use Edgegap’s patented orchestration on the world’s largest edge network to cache and deploy game servers just-in-time to meet player demand, ensuring they never suffer from 'cold starts' or overcapacity.
Additionally, they provide enhanced resilience through multi-cloud support, along with key security and privacy features.
Edgegap containerizes your game server & our platform deploys your multiplayer on the world's largest edge network for flawless hosting.
Our patented orchestration is the only one that helps you reduce player churn through lower latency for players, launch day-ready scaling & global deployments without cold starts.
Save Time & Resources
We're the game hosting & orchestration experts,
focus on what you excel at - game development.
You only pay for game server hosting when players play online matches.
No commitments, no upfront costs, no fixed monthly fees for servers rentals. There are no hidden costs masked by timed trials or free credits.
Still Have Questions? Contact Us!
Every game's infrastructure is unique. Let's have out engineers discuss with you to discuss your specific situation.