How to improve your multiplayer’s latency through your game’s matchmaking?
There are a few ways to improve latency for players in your multiplayer game.
Here's how to achieve the lowest possible network latency using the Edgegap game server hosting and orchestration platform alongside your preferred lobby or matchmaking service.
→ Unsure which matchmaker to choose when developing your multiplayer game? Check out our article on the "easiest" matchmaker solutions to get started.
Note: In this example, we'll use Edgegap's matchmaker, but you can replicate this process with any matchmaker.
Following our advanced example, there are 3 layers of optimization involved:
Step 1: Matchmaker initial pass
Provide players with the ability to preset region selections or, in other words, give players a simple way to influence their matchmaking by disabling distant regions and granting a sense of control. You can also use this step to allow players to "unselect" specific regions. For instance, if a player experiences connection issues with a particular datacenter, city, or country, excluding those locations will help resolve issues down the road. We argue that this option should not be overly prominent in the menu, as selecting too few locations could negatively impact matchmaking. This feature allows players to exclude problematic regions (e.g., war zones) and whitelist specific regions (e.g., matching only within China).
A great example is Rivals of Aether 2, powered by Edgegap, which offers the option to toggle servers on and off:
Step 2: Game client second pass
Latency beacons provide a finer, automated pre-grouping based on our beacons, informing the matchmaker to further optimize matches by proximity. Although this isn't an exact science, as network conditions can vary on the client side depending on the Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the matchmaker struggles to pool players together after a short period, it can gradually increase the maximum matching latency over time. This balances fast matching with acceptable latency. This threshold is adjusted by the studio based on player base metrics and game-specific requirements. While you asked players to select regions in Step 1, the matchmaker can override those preferences if it can't find suitable opponents. Step 3 ensures the best possible outcome: it's better to have some latency but play against someone, rather than not playing at all because the matchmaker couldn't find a match within a narrow region.
Step 3: Edgegap’s edge computing network & orchestration
Deployment optimization based on IP geolookup or Longitude and latitude. Here we also factor in latency fairness, attempting to place the server in a location where all matched players will have roughly the same latency.
Improving latency for multiplayer games is both an “art" in terms of testing and tweaking things, and a science.
It requires balancing technical precision with player-centric features to ensure a seamless experience. By combining thoughtful matchmaker settings, automated latency beacons, and Edgegap's powerful edge computing capabilities, you can minimize delays and maximize fairness.
Each optimization layer builds on the previous one, from giving players a sense of control to fine-tuning server placement that improves both UX and gameplay. Latency will always be a challenge in multiplayer games. But with tools like Edgegap and a thoughtful approach, it’s a challenge you can turn into a competitive advantage.
Want to learn more about matchmaking? Beyond the “Easiest Matchmakers” article listed above, we have also a breakdown of one of the world’s most played game, Call of Duty, research around skill-based matchmaking and how it shows that latency is the most impactful factor in game appreciation by players.
Be sure to check out Edgegap’s matchmaker too. The only matchmaker with latency-based parameters.
Written by
the Edgegap Team