Authoritative Servers

Game Server Hosting & Orchestration

Free Trial

Free Trial

Essential resources to get you started in development

Essential resources to get you started in development.


1 App

1 Concurrent Deployment

1 Organization

Limited Container Registry

Time-Limited Matchmaker

Time-Limited Deployments


No Credit Card Required

Pay As You Go

Pay As You Go

Self-serve with no commitment. Game server hosting, made easy

Self-serve with no commitment. Game server hosting, made easy.

Usage-based pricing


Unlimited Apps & Versions

Unlimited Concurrent Deployments

Unlimited vCPU

Container Registry

Advanced Monitoring


Supports Fraction of vCPU

$0.00115/min. per Dedicated vCPU

$0.10/GB of monthly Network Egress

2 GB of RAM per vCPU included

Commitment Discount

Commitment Discount

Save 30% off every dollar committed, starting at $5,000

Save 30% off every dollar committed, starting at $5,000

Custom pricing

Everything in Pay As You Go, and:

All from Pay As You Go, and:

Dedicated Support

Uptime SLA

Minimum Guaranteed

Custom CPU Requirement

GPU Support

Bare Metal + Hybrid Cloud


Discounted vCPU Pricing

Discount Applicable Worldwide

Bare Metal & Cloud - Hybrid Orchestration

Optimize your Cost with Bare Metal & Scale with Cloud

For committed studios with predictable traffic, leverage Bare Metal for low tide traffic to optimize costs, and seamlessly scale with Cloud for unplanned traffic spikes

Bare Metal + Cloud Burst

Optimize your Cost with Bare Metal & Scale with Cloud

For committed studios with predictable traffic, leverage Bare Metal for low tide traffic to optimize costs, and seamlessly scale with Cloud for unplanned traffic spikes

Bare Metal + Cloud Burst

Optimize your Cost with Bare Metal & Scale with Cloud

For committed studios with predictable traffic, leverage Bare Metal for low tide traffic to optimize costs, and seamlessly scale with Cloud for unplanned traffic spikes

Bare Metal + Cloud Burst


Match players & launch games instantly, the easy way

Edgegap's all-new Matchmaker is fully-managed, infinitely customizable to optimally group players worldwide.

Free access to all features during testing.

Free Trial

Start on a shared environment

Access all features

Time-Limited (3 Hours)

Limited Resources


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Match players & launch games instantly, the easy way

Edgegap's all-new Matchmaker is fully-managed, infinitely customizable to optimally group players worldwide.

Free access to all features during testing.

Free Trial

Start on a shared environment

Access all features

Time-Limited (3 Hours)

Limited Resources


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Match players & launch games instantly, the easy way

Edgegap's all-new Matchmaker is fully-managed, infinitely customizable to optimally group players worldwide.

Free access to all features during testing.

Free Trial

Start on a shared environment

Access all features

Time-Limited (3 Hours)

Limited Resources


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Integration Consulting

One, affordable price to get timely support to help you integrate your backend

Consulting includes Edgegap and it’s integration in Unreal and Unity, game logic optimization, alongside Betide’s Matchmaker SDK2, netcode plugins, third party player data services like EOS & more!

Private channel with developers with guaranteed (SLA) response within 12 hours. Ticket System with priority tier. One-on-one support via web conference (1 hour per month).

One, affordable price to get timely support to help you integrate your backend

Consulting includes Edgegap and it’s integration in Unreal and Unity, game logic optimization, alongside Betide’s Matchmaker SDK2, netcode plugins, third party player data services like EOS & more!

Private channel with developers with guaranteed (SLA) response within 12 hours. Ticket System with priority tier. One-on-one support via web conference (1 hour per month).

One, affordable price to get timely support to help you integrate your backend

Consulting includes Edgegap and it’s integration in Unreal and Unity, game logic optimization, alongside Betide’s Matchmaker SDK2, netcode plugins, third party player data services like EOS & more!

Private channel with developers with guaranteed (SLA) response within 12 hours. Ticket System with priority tier. One-on-one support via web conference (1 hour per month).

Managed Infrastructure

Run all your services in our fully-managed clusters; built for performance & optimized for costs

Edgegap’s fully managed infrastructure empowers your team by automating & managing your cloud's workflow, including Kubernetes, CDN, & databases.

Enables you to launch, scale, and operate multiplayer Live Ops while keeping your operational costs as low as possible.


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Run all your services in our fully-managed clusters; built for performance & optimized for costs

Edgegap’s fully managed infrastructure empowers your team by automating & managing your cloud's workflow, including Kubernetes, CDN, & databases.

Enables you to launch, scale, and operate multiplayer Live Ops while keeping your operational costs as low as possible.


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Run all your services in our fully-managed clusters; built for performance & optimized for costs

Edgegap’s fully managed infrastructure empowers your team by automating & managing your cloud's workflow, including Kubernetes, CDN, & databases.

Enables you to launch, scale, and operate multiplayer Live Ops while keeping your operational costs as low as possible.


Dedicated environment


Total of 1 vCPU & 2 GB of RAM

Est. $22/month (24h/30d usage)


Scale for a commercial release


Total of 6 vCPU & 12 GB of RAM

Est. $105/month (24h/30d usage)


Robust solution for high traffic


Total of 18 vCPU & 48 GB of RAM

Est. $395/month (24h/30d usage)

Add backend services to optimize your infrastructure in one click

Add backend services to optimize your infrastructure in one click

Compute & Kubernetes

Managed infrastructure to host your custom backend components

Autoscaling, monitored 24/7, live ops support

Add to Account

Databases & Storage

Simplify your DevOps workflow and enhance performance.

Systematic backups, scaling, availability, monitoring, & security

Add to Account


Store and distribute your content faster; patches, assets, containers, and more

Custom domain & managed SSL

Add to Account

Managed Infrastructure

Compute & Kubernetes

Managed infrastructure to host your custom backend components

Autoscaling, monitored 24/7, live ops support

Add to Account


Store & distribute your content; patches, assets, containers, & more

Custom domain & managed SSL

Add to Account

Databases & Storage

Simplify your DevOps workflow and enhance performance.

Systematic backups, scaling, availability, monitoring, & security

Add to Account

Distributed Relays

Enterprise-Grade Relays for Peer-To-Peer Networking

Peer-To-Peer Relays: Free Trial

Enhance your player's connectivity from limited P2P networking.

Essential resources to get you started in development.

Up to 50 CCU - 160 GB Egress included



100 CCU



325 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

500 CCU

500 CCU

500 CCU



1,625 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

1,000 CCU

1,000 CCU


3,250 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

2,000 CCU

2,000 CCU


6,500 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

100 CCU


325 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

500 CCU


1,625 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

1,000 CCU


325 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

2,000 CCU


325 GB Egress included

CCU Burst*

Egress Burst**

"Self-Serve" & "Volume Discount" tiers incur no charge if no deployments are made during any given month. If at least one deployment is made during a month, a minimum of $1 will be charged to the account even if total usage is below $1.

Container runtime is limited to 24 consecutive hours. If you need to run your containers for more than 24 hours, get in touch here.

* CCU Burst is calculated as the difference between your current Tier's allowed CCU and your Peak Monthly CCU, and is billed at a rate of $0.14 per additional Peak Monthly CCU.

** Egress Burst is calculated as the difference between your current Tier's included Egress and your total monthly Egress, and is billed at a rate of $0.10 per additional GB.

Reminder: Relays are not authoritative game servers. They do not include compute.