Unity Plugin - Quickstart
Launching an Unity game with dedicated game servers can be daunting project, from individual developers to experienced medium-sized teams.
Fortunately, the Edgegap platform makes it easy, with a simple integration process that takes minutes.
Your game will then be online, ready to connect players worldwide to play. Helping you allocate precious development resources to what you love – making a great game.
Part 1 – Getting your Game Server Ready in Unity
Create an account on Edgegap.com – Its easy & free.
How to install & launch the plugin:
Add the plugin directly from the Unity Asset Store, or from our GitHub.
From the Unity's Editor, import the plugin through the Package Manager. Found under "Windows / Package Manager", then selecting "My Assets".
Ready - A new "Edgegap" tab has appeared in the upper menu. Select it, and open the dashboard by selecting "Server Management".
Set – Enter you Edgegap API key, choose your API environment and enter an app name and version.
Almost There - Create automatically a Docker container by selecting "Build and Push".
Go - Click the "Start Server" button. The server is now live and you should see it status as "Ready".
Unity Dashboard - Reference Image

What’s Next?
Now that your game works online, you can look at tweaking user experience. Add a lobby or a matchmaker for players to meet each other, prevent abuse and cheating with anti-cheating and authentication, enable cross-play, voice over and many more!
If you’re looking for a lobby or a matchmaker, you can check out Epic online Services lobby here, or Edgegap’s matchmaker here. For more info on other possible services and integration, you can check out Epic online services documentation here.
You’re Going on an Adventure – But Not Alone
You’re never alone - Our Discord has our actual developers ready to answer your questions, alongside other game devs to engage with. Come & chat with other devs on our Discord community (Link).
Also, learn how Kung Fu Kickball, made in Unity by a solo dev, uses Edgegap as their entire game servers solution for instant worldwide distribution (Link).