Edgegap is now a Unity Verified Solution
Edgegap's game server hosting and orchestration enables you to deploy and maintain your multiplayer game at a fraction of the traditional public cloud cost, and is now officially recognized as a Unity Verified Solution
Reviewed by Unity's expert engineers, Edgegap meets the highest standards of compatibility, quality, and scalability for projects and studios of all sizes.
Edgegap is the easiest and simplest way to launch and scale multiplayer games in Unity. With Edgegap's Unity plugin, deploying your game online takes just one click, making it accessible to players worldwide.
Designed for projects of any size, Edgegap seamlessly integrates with popular netcode solutions, including Mirror Networking, Fish-Net Networking, Photon Fusion, Unity Netcode for Game Objects, and custom implementations.
Edgegap's game servers ensure cross-platform compatibility, allowing players to connect across PC, console, mobile, and web-based (WebGL/HTML5/Javascript) platforms.
Dedicated servers safeguard your multiplayer experience against cheating and protect player privacy, including IP shielding.
Here’s what to expect:
Register your free Edgegap account.
Grab your Edgegap token and input it in the Unity plugin.
Hit Build & Push when you're ready to package your game server.
Deploy & Manage Your Server: With a simple click, deploy your game server and manage it directly from the Unity engine.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, follow our Getting Started guide.
Written by
the Edgegap Team
Sources and/or content collaboration with
Unity Verified Solution team