Edgegap vs Unity Multiplay

In the rapidly evolving landscape of online games, choosing the right server hosting solution is a critical decision that can significantly impact player satisfaction and your game's overall success. As you weigh your options, two names likely come to mind: Edgegap and Unity Multiplay. While both offer game server hosting solutions, they differ substantially in their approach to initial setup, connectivity, performance, scalability, and pricing. In this comprehensive comparison, we'll delve into these key aspects to demonstrate why Edgegap stands as the superior choice for game developers and publishers seeking to elevate their players' experience.


Initial Setup

Setting up your game servers with Edgegap is a straightforward process. With easy-to-use APIs and SDKs, you can get your game up and running in no time. Comprehensive documentation is available to guide you through each step, ensuring a smooth setup experience. While Multiplay also offers setup guides, the process can be more complex and time-consuming, since they require configuring multiple steps to end up with a final deployment. The documentation may not cover all the nuances you might encounter, making the initial setup potentially challenging.


Edgegap's edge computing technology ensures that your players are always connected to the nearest edge location, reducing latency and improving the overall gaming experience. This is particularly beneficial for multiplayer games where low latency is crucial. Multiplay's traditional cloud-based approach means that players might connect to data centers that are geographically farther away, resulting in higher latency and a less optimal gaming experience. What’s more, Multiplay is very vague in their region definition, offering only “Europe” for example as a region, without saying if the server will be run in Spain or Poland, which is a huge difference geographically, and thus also in terms of player experience.


Performance is where Edgegap truly shines. By leveraging edge computing, Edgegap provides low-latency, high-performance gaming experiences that are unparalleled. Their advanced algorithms for real-time latency optimization ensure that your game performs at its best at all times. While Multiplay can offer decent performance for players near their data center, it is constrained by the limitations of their traditional cloud infrastructure and their small distribution with 5 regions available worldwide. This results in higher latency and less optimal performance compared to Edgegap for a majority of player.


Scalability is built into the core of Edgegap's services. Whether you're dealing with a few hundred players or scaling up to millions, Edgegap's infrastructure is designed to handle it seamlessly through horizontal distribution. Multiplay does offer scalability, but it's within the confines of traditional cloud and bare-metal servers. Also, since Multiplay is based on a fleet manager, it means that rapid scaling can be more challenging since servers can take up to 15 minutes to boot when requested. It also lacks the resiliency that comes from having a highly distributed pool of servers like Edgegap.


Edgegap operates on a flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing model based on actual CPU and Egress usage. This allows you to optimize costs based on your actual usage, making it a cost-effective solution for both small indie developers and large enterprises. Multiplay's pricing is also based on a pay-as-you-go model, but their fleet manager will often launch idle servers that are waiting for players to connect, which creates extra costs based on unused resources.

Switching from Multiplay to Edgegap

Making the switch from Multiplay to Edgegap is a strategic move that promises better performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency. The transition is facilitated by Edgegap's comprehensive documentation and support team, who will guide you through the migration process. With easy-to-integrate APIs and SDKs, you can make the switch with minimal downtime, ensuring a smooth transition for your players.

By choosing Edgegap, you're not just opting for a service; you're investing in a superior gaming experience for your players.

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